
Advantages and Disadvantages of the New Media

Media are the main communication channels or tools utilized to deliver and store data or information. The word refers to all components of the mass-media communication systems, including print media, broadcast media, photography, films, television, music, publishing, and the web media. The mass media include magazines, newspapers, radio and television. It also includes a vast array of information delivery systems, which may include Internet, intranet, satellite TV, audio cassettes, game consoles, personal computers, video games, game stations, and video Cassette Recorders. The word “media” in this article does not necessarily mean actual physical media but also describes concepts such as distribution systems, communication systems, entertainment methods, and models and trends in the system of media. In other words, the definition of media is a very broad one, and any medium can be considered a media.

The traditional print media have always had some drawbacks compared to electronic media. Print media has had to deal with various criticisms over the years from publishers, readers, and advertisers. Even newspapers faced criticism, for example, from newspapers’ publishers who felt that newspapers were becoming too commercialized. In recent decades, however, print media have experienced a resurgence in their sales. This is perhaps due to the fact that newspapers have finally started to adopt online hyperlinks and have allowed content to be distributed to subscribers via the Internet.

Most newspapers, magazines, and news sources are highly localized and cannot really be expecting to be read or enjoyed by people from other regions or nations. Therefore, there are certain disadvantages associated with media. For example, magazines and newspapers are usually targeted towards specific audiences and demographics, making it difficult for mass media to reach out to a larger number of people and create a global impact. Another disadvantage is that most newspapers and magazines are now published on electronic media such as the Internet, making it hard for readers to physically copy the publications they like.

Media can also be high selectivity, meaning that it is limited in the number of publications produced in a given year. Some media are highly selectivity, such as literary magazines and journals, scholarly journals, scientific journals, and magazines with high value content such as scientific journals. These types of publications generally attract a high volume of submissions, which significantly lowers their costs and increases their chances of being accepted into the peer-reviewed scientific journals. Other major disadvantages are: high cost of production and distribution, small market penetration, and lack of significant diversity. Also, unlike mass media, where a viewer can simply pick up a newspaper or magazine, a reader in a mediato have to do more than just choose one media.

Social Media – The growth of the internet and the prevalence of social media have brought about changes in the composition of both the traditional print media and the print publications of magazines and newspapers. Social media has influenced the way people consume and share information. For example, a search for “the New York Times” on Google brings up the most hits and the most social-media sharing that occur. A search for “the Wall Street Journal” on Google brings up the next-most social-media sharing, although the disparity is becoming less pronounced.

Broadening Access to Information – Another advantage of this type of media is that it provides a gateway or means by which people can easily go to other sites or to specific topics, aside from the mainstream media. Although the growth of the internet has dramatically reduced newspaper revenues around the world, television and radio stations continue to broadcast their programs and maintain a strong presence on the airwaves. Additionally, most radio and television programs are available free over the Internet to maximize its reach to potential viewers. This allows people to access specific topics they want to learn more about and also gives them a chance to view programs that might not be available in their area.