
The Impact Of Technophobia

Technology is the collective term for a variety of human endeavors, practices, and systems utilized in the development of new products or services, or in the achievement of goals, including scientific research. Technological change is the result of a combination of advances in science and technology, changes in society, and the ability to apply complex scientific principles to diverse applications. The scope of technology is practically boundless. It has become an integrated part of all facets of modern life and has greatly influenced all aspects of human activity. It is constantly growing and changing.

There are many concerns about the effect of technological changes on society. One of the most obvious is economic technophobia, which is the fear that technological developments will reduce the rate of job creation. Economic fears are based on the fact that many technological developments produce additional need for human resources, which reduce the number of available jobs. Technological change may reduce the amount of total energy available but will most likely increase the efficiency with which energy is utilized. Concerns about the effect of technological advances on employment are widespread.

Technophobia has also been linked to societal behavior and attitudes. Concerns about the impact of computers on interpersonal relationships have led to increased sociocultural activities aimed at preventing or minimizing the use of personal computers in everyday situations. Computer games are often blamed for increasing aggressive behavior among adolescents and for the increase in school violence. In a recent study, a high percentage of Internet users admitted to frequently checking computer gaming news to be aware of the ongoing battle between game developers and network administrators.

The impact of technology on society can also be very indirect. Many experts believe that the impact of computers and other information technologies has been felt far beyond the product sales and market penetration. Technophobia is related to the ‘computerization’ of many traditional businesses processes. This process is currently being felt in every aspect of business, from marketing to customer service. In addition, because of the impact that computers have on human relationships, many companies are rethinking their approach to dealing with customers in general.

If a person is experiencing technophobia, they may feel completely alienated by modern technology. In fact, they may even be afraid of interaction with people who do not use computers or who use computers only on a very basic level. It is becoming more common for businesses to hire specialists to train employees on how to interact with computer software. There are even schools that teach employees how to use new technology, in preparation for the workforce growth that is predicted by the baby-boomer generation. As a result, employment opportunities for those with specialized skills, such as IT specialists, are growing rapidly.

Because of the impact of the Internet on society, more people are living with technophobia. There are now online chat rooms where those with this fear can discuss it freely. People with severe problems are even turning to hypnosis to overcome their fears. There are many resources available to help those who are struggling with this phobia.