
Types of Media and Their Uses

In mass communication, media outlets are usually the media tools or means utilized to either transmit and store data or information in a format that is convenient for the end user. The word is typically used to refer to mass-communication elements of the mass communications industry, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, films, publishing, the Internet, video, and visual/audio-visual media. There is actually no limit to the kinds of media that may be referred to herein. As a matter of fact, it may also be argued that there are too many types of media to properly define the term. It is therefore, up to the readers of this article to assist us in identifying the most appropriate media types to engage in mass communications communication so that we may properly determine what type of media originated the idea.

For our purpose, we will use the G.W. media as a reference point. For simplicity’s sake, we will assume that all mass-communication outlets are either owned by a conglomerate, which may not have a variety of media outlets. In addition, our reference graph will also include only the four major news sources that are known for their broad reach: Fox News, CNN, CBS, and NBC. Since some conglomerates own more than one of these (e.g., Time Warner), we will use the abbreviation “MED” to identify the ownership structure of each of the listed news sources.

Broadly speaking, there are two different types of mass-communication media. First, there are the traditional print media. This includes both books and periodicals printed for distribution to the end user, both in print and electronically. This category includes such giants as Enron, WorldCom, and APac – the three largest print media companies in the world.

Second, we have the electronic type of media. There are many types of online publishing and distribution, from web-based newsletters to online-only magazines to the ever-popular blogging websites. The most popular electronic medium is the internet, which is increasingly being used for the distribution and transmission of news sources. There are many different types of online print media including the newspaper (which has been around since the 1700s), radio, television, and magazines.

Finally, there are two types of mass-communication media that are not print: radio and television broadcasts. Unlike books and periodicals, which can be read or written without the use of a book, broadcasts must be transmitted via satellite or cable networks. Broadcasts can be national or global, while books can be local or regional. Because radio and television broadcasts must be recorded (either live or later as reruns), and distributed via satellite or cable networks, they are also considered part of the medias.

Broadcasting media are increasing in popularity, although newspapers have been the dominant source of news for many years. The internet media landscape varies significantly by country, with a number of countries seeing increased interest in blogs and other online periodicals. As the world’s population continues to grow, so will the need for more sources of media to distribute news to the masses. Because of this, it appears that the world of broadcast and reporting may soon surpass the world of print and publication media.