Media in the broad sense refers to all components of the mass communications media industry, including print, broadcast, music, visual arts, motion pictures, television, and the web. In this wider sense, “media” can also refer to the components of information technology like computer network, computer software, digital devices, audio and video products, and the Internet. In a more narrow sense, “media” can also be used to refer to news media. The two concepts are often used interchangeably, but in reality they have different meaning. Broadly, “media” refers to the mass media that facilitates communication; it therefore, includes radio, television, films, and the web. It does not, however, include such aspects as education, news, editorial, and feature articles.
This broad term has, however, developed a more specific meaning, in which “media” is described as the human interaction that takes place in a social context. Early forms of mass communication were characterized by textual communication, with the only exception of the printing press, which used printing as the sole means of disseminating information. In earlier years, the term media referred only to the distribution of information, but gradually it came to include all human interaction in some form. Social interaction, for example, was defined by Max Weber as the process by which individuals and groups control their representation in reality. Weber conceived of media as a human experience and gave important importance to the forms of communication that precede action.
The evolution of media in the early part of the twentieth century can be traced back to the First World War, when radio allowed a larger number of soldiers to communicate. After the war, television set off an immense technological expansion that lasted until the end of the Second World War. Mass communication through television and radios led to dramatic changes in the way that people lived their lives. A large number of mediums now exist that permit us to communicate with each other and act upon the information that we have received. In fact, mass media has become a powerful instrument of communication and of social expression.
Social media such as Facebook are a great platform through which we can interact with our friends and colleagues. Through Facebook, we are able to share images, videos, text and graphics. We also get an opportunity to share our views and ideas with the rest of the world. With social networking, we no longer need to go to our friends’ or colleagues’ homes to find out what they have been up to; we can just update ourselves with the latest news and events through the medium of Facebook.
The internet provides opportunities for the media companies to create new forms of interacting with their audiences. This has resulted in new and novel ways of publishing content, for example podcasting. Another popular medium used by the media companies and by the advertisers are the viral video. This is done by posting the video over the internet and encouraging viewers to pass it along. The aim of this strategy is to obtain higher ratings, which will lead to increased visibility on the internet.
A new medium of interaction has emerged in the form of social media. This platform has provided a unique opportunity for the media houses to increase their audience and to provide quality television content. The medium is here to stay and looks forward to even greater developments in the future. It is predicted that this platform will completely change the face of television news.